Items We Need To Purchase In The Local Disaster Area
Note: We accept useful items in good condition and clean. Sorry we don't have time to make free dump runs. (Arrangements can be made)
Cash - it's the all time most flexible donation item and we need it to do our job! Gift certificates to Safeway, Walmart, Walgreens, Kroger, Lowes, Home Depot, Ace Hardware, Target, etc, and Gas Cards.
PPE - Masks, hand sanitizer, gloves, disinfectant, etc.
Food (dry goods, canned goods, other non-perishables)
Children's Clothes, ages infant-13
Warm Clothing (jackets, sweaters, etc.)
Dress Clothing (especially for job interviews)
Socks and Shoes
Bicycles (transportation to work for those without a vehicle)
Linens and Towels
Building supplies including: hammers, nails, tarps, screw drivers, pliers, saws, other hand tools, sheet rock, plywood, 2x4s, etc.
Household cleaning supplies: mops, brooms, laundry detergent, other cleaning agents
Toiletries: shampoo, feminine products, baby care items
Gardening tools (rakes, shovels, etc.)
Baby Car Seats
Pots, pans, and other cookware
Toys for a Happy Holiday Season and a Merry Christmas